Thank you for visiting my site and I hope that it isn't too boring for you all. I have been browsing around other people's sites to get a glimpse and ideas for my own site that I have put together here. There are only a few rules that go along with my site so please go by them and do not brake them. First of all as mentioned above...I have had a glimpse of other people's sites and the graphics that I have collected from them are not my own and I did not make them. I have simply borrowed them to add more sass to my site but keep in mind that I do not own them. Second of all please do not steal anything that I have made unless I give you permission to take them. Of course I am not the sort of person that has a site up and doesn't let you take some cool things. Of course you can take some. I am no meany lol. Third of all if you do visit my site please link me so that I can get more people to come visit me. I am a newbie at this so please help me. My tagboard is not a chat room and it is not for bad behavior either. Please say nice things and be nice otherwise do not bother to post anything at all. That is all. Thank you.
